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Natalia Mirin
Associate Director, Actuarial and Insurance Consulting

Natalia Mirin

I'm a life actuary with more than 20 years of experience in the insurance industry and consulting. I started out in insurance, where my work included product development, pricing, underwriting, insurance and regulatory aspects, as well as Salesforce training. Later, moving to consulting, I led on audit and advisory engagements, supporting big and small insurers and reinsurers in the UK and overseas.

My expertise covers product design and pricing, performance and impact assessments, modelling and validation, transactions and finance transformations, valuations, and internal and external audits.

Over the past decade, I've been particularly involved in IFRS 17, working at first on the standard interpretation and methodology development, then moving to modelling and impact assessment for insurers and reinsurers in the UK and overseas. More recently I supported IFRS 17 transition and implementation projects, working on methodologies, modelling and governance aspects. As a past active member and deputy chair of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries' IFRS 17 Contractual Service Margin (CSM) Working Party, I helped produce the sessional paper.

I am certified by the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) and hold a Life Chief Actuary Practising Certificate.

When not at work, my children keep me busy – their ages and interests dictate switching between different musical instruments and martial arts.

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Natalia Mirin
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Associate Director, Actuarial and Insurance Consulting
Natalia Mirin
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