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Catherine Baldwin
Assistant Manager

Catherine Baldwin

After working in the NHS as a junior doctor, specialising in paediatrics, I joined our healthcare team. I support acute, community, and mental health NHS Trusts to plan their delivery of care and make best use of their resources to work well for the populations they serve.

This means supporting them to use, review, and learn from their data, plan their services, and deliver high-quality, safe, and sustainable patient care.

The frontline experience that myself and my clinical colleagues bring to the wider healthcare team adds real value to the service we can offer our clients.

Outside of work, I’ve been a keen swimmer since I was a teenager and recently completed the Scilly Isles 'Round the Islands' swim. I’m also slowly trying to distinguish a flower from a weed in the garden. Having managed to grow some edible vegetables, I now hope to progress from just potatoes, tomatoes, and onions.

  • Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MbChB)
  • Member Royal College Paediatrics and Child Health (MRCPCH)
  • Postgraduate certificate of Medical Education (PGCertMedEd)
Meet our healthcare expert – Catherine Baldwin
Catherine Baldwin
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Assistant Manager
Catherine Baldwin
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